I remember seeing Van Benschoten deliver an absolutely horrific pitching performance back in 2007 and having the sudden realization that I was watching a man in the midst of one of the worst experiences of his life. His major league aspirations were dying before his eyes, or at the very best becoming far more unlikely. I shudder at the memory

When Andy Laroche first started playing for the Pirates, he came on to the "Simply the Best" song from Karate Kid. How can you not like someone like that? Here's hoping he comes around.

Jones watches a foul ball fly in my direction. That's right-I made sure I took the picture before I ducked for cover.

Church displaying his golf skills.
...And almost getting hit by a pitch.

I'll end this post with a picture of Dodgers relief pitcher Weaver showing off his mean face. So, the Pirates lost their first home game, but nevertheless won the series. They say hitting is contagious; so is missing. The Pirates need a reliable clutch hitter who won't strand base runners; today's game was like so many others that were plagued with missed opportunities.

It is my opinion that the first sign of the Pirates' sea change in success will occur in the form of the batting order coming to life and staying to life. Maybe Pedro Alvarez will provide the needed spark, but that's all that is really needed: some kind of a catalyst. McCutchen, Doumit, Milledge, Jones, Laroche (!), and hopefully even Clement have it in them to get hits. There are still a few missing pieces to the puzzle, and the million dollar question is what those pieces are.
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